Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Thanks to everyone who has been buying The Horse That Wouldn't Trot. Lots went for Christmas presents!

I stopped breeding my Tennessee Walking Horse stallion, Praise Hallelujah, and now I enjoy hearing about his grandbabies. Praise Hosanna is in foal to Whoopie's Gold Coin for a 2010 foal. I always predicted that his mare offspring would be great brood mares. This has been proven by Lori Snyder Lowe's Hallelujah mares. She has several and I congratulate her on her foals accomplishments.

In the meantime, Hallelujah lives with 3 of his favorite mares and 3 molly mules. He has no use for the mollies, in fact is quite grumpy with them. Maybe he knows they cannot have babies!

Have a joyful Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Rose - Congratulations on the success you have seen so far on the book!

    If anyone took some pictures from this year's Barn Party please email me one or two. (brew190@gmail.com)

