Friday, October 30, 2009

Most of us horse lovers/owners/riders know there are many kinds of horse training abuse. The soring of the Tennessee Walking Horse is one of the worst in my opinion, which I address in my book: The Horse That Wouldn't Trot. However, I subscribe to HorseConscious Newsletter and in this current issue was a story and video of dressage abuse. It sounds like there is a massive attack by social media against this abuse. We need the same for the soring issue!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

well, The Horse That Wouldn't Trot, my life witih Tennessee Walking Horses has just been sent back to publisher with final (hopefully) corrections/ additions. Because my first book is about my horses, I am going to share "good stuff" I have discovered that other horse owners can use. My 21 year old show horse stallion (now a gelding, retired and loving it) Praise Hallelujah (check website )has arthritis quite badly. I discovered a product that has helped him more than any other of the MANY joint products on the market and that I have tried. It is Vetionx ( ) It give a pep to his step as well. I wholeheartedly endorse it!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am finding out it is harder to get a book published than I had imagined. I am self publishing it using Dog Ear Publishing, and now have the second "read through" for errors. I cannot believe I missed these things earlier! Anyway, The Horse That Wouldn't Trot, about my life with Tennessee Walking Horses should be available the first part of November, ready for Christmas presents. This book is a collection of true horse stories, as I lived them. My show horses and breeding stock and myself are all retired from showing and raising foals, now I tell their stories.